Organization Membership

The UCCC meets at 7 pm on the second and fourth Wednesday evenings from September to June. From beginners to professionals, all photographers are welcome!  Most meetings are in-person at the Falmouth Art Center.  We also have Zoom meetings when the speaker is remote.  Guests are welcome at the meetings, and if you would like to attend one of our meetings, please request a Guest application by filling out our  information form. Come check us out and hopefully you will join the club.

We offer three types of Membership:  Individual, Family, and Student.  Family memberships are available for 2 or more people that consider themselves a family.  Student membership is available to students attending high school or college.  All memberships are "full" and allow participation in competitions and exhibitions.  Membership is open and costs $55 for an Individual, $35 for each Family member, or $25 for a Student.  Membership runs from September 1st to September 1st.

New Members - If you would like to join the club, please see the information below on how to create a new Login ID.  It is very important that you create your Login ID first, before you pay your dues.  In this way, your dues payment will be properly credited to your account.  Once you have registered on this site,  log in and use the PayPal button below to pay your membership dues. New members should then fill out our  information form. When signing up for a new membership, please follow the instructions. Then, be sure to Log Out when you have completed the registration. This is especially important for two or more people signing up for Family Membership. Each family member must have their own ID on the web site.

Existing Members - To renew your membership, you can use the button below to use PayPal or a credit card to pay your annual dues.   If you are renewing a FAMILY membership, be sure that each family member signs-in with their own ID so their membership records will be updated correctly.

If you prefer, you can bring your check and Membership Form (new members) to the next meeting.

The UCCC is a member of the New England Camera Club Council and the Photographic Society of America.

Create an Account

If you do not have a Login Name, use the button below to create an account and request membership in this organization. If you already have a Visual Pursuits account for any other organization, login with your account and use the menu "My Account", "Organizations" to request membership in this organization. That page will also provide links to other organizations.

If you are judging competitions or registering for a public event, you do not need to request membership. If you have an existing account with any organization using the Visual Pursuits service, login to this website with that account. If you do not have an account and do not need membership, use the button below to create a Guest account.

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